Horse Logging to Prepare Firewood for Winter, Romania

This article features affiliate links, meaning we’ll earn a small commission if you purchase through these links. Please read our Privacy Policy for more details. Summer is the busiest season in the Romanian countryside. One of the most important things to do is prepare firewood for the winter. Those who heat their houses with stoves need to cut and pile the wood at least six months in advance so it gets to dry out. The shepherd stacks up wood to cook delicious cheese recipes and cheese polenta, the village cooper collects wood, without which he could not make wooden barrels, the carpenter needs wood to make wooden rakes, the traditional country houses that define Romania need to be spruced up with wood shakes and shingles. Everyone needs wood and the best way to get it is with the horse. Horse logging is part of sustainable forest management. Sturdy semi-heavy and heavy horse breeds are employed to remove heavy logs from woodland areas. This section features affiliate links, meaning we’ll earn a small commission if you purchase through these links. Please read our Privacy Policy for more details. With the help of a lumberjack, those who own a piece of land with a … Continue reading Horse Logging to Prepare Firewood for Winter, Romania