Romanian Blouses and Costumes from Sibiu, Transylvania

This article features affiliate links, meaning we’ll earn a small commission if you purchase through these links. Please read our Privacy Policy for more details. Although in the high-pressure of 21st-century life there seems to the busy to be very little time to spare, still it cannot be denied that embroideries are very much before the public, that new kinds are as constantly to be seen as are the old ones revived and not allowed to remain obscure any longer. The fascinating Romanian embroidery has been known for some little – beyond I mean that charming country north of the Danube where it has been done by the peasants from ancient times. These poor people, uncultivated and rough, have worked on, as time progressed, producing pieces of work which as we look at them after the lapse of years are still handsome.   Affiliate links Schacht Cricket Loom 15 inch It is very pleasant too, to notice that there are people who find old Romanian blouses and make time for work. People like 59-year-old Pascu Elena, from Mălâncrav, a tiny village located somewhere about 13 km away from the ancient Romanian city of Sighișoara. Driven by the desire to immerse in their … Continue reading Romanian Blouses and Costumes from Sibiu, Transylvania