From carving rustic furniture, woodturning kitchen utensils, and making wooden house models out of hundreds of small pieces of wood, to massive works made out of logs, such as swings, verandas, fences, and porch poles, there is nothing that carpenter Sorin Boicu can’t do.

With practical hands-on skills as a craftsman, he will create anything on request. As soon as he was asked to demonstrate his woodworking skills, he wasted no time and with a few essential tools, he made a pair of the most beautiful, sturdy museum-like rustic stools, that will last for centuries: Woodworking Craftsman Builds Rustic Stool With Hand Tools
As I strolled into the room full of objects that he made and collected over the years, my eyes fell on three wooden goblets with captive rings, very well executed and elegant.

The walnut wood’s natural beauty, showcased through the rich colors and unique grain patterns, added a touch of elegance to these goblets, making each piece a unique one. It made me curious to see the making process. Once more, we agreed on having one made for us, this time on the lathe.

Mr. Boicu had to search through the stacks of wood, and he pulled out a walnut log, that was three years of age. The wood must be no less than about 7.87″ in diameter, and 15.74″ in length to be suitable for the job. Wood must be aged at least three years, otherwise, it cracks on the lathe.

Watching Mr. Boicu as he turns the wood into a fine goblet was truly impressive. With the skills of a surgeon, he picked the right tools for the job, switching chisels as he went on.
Watching what this skilled craftsman can do with wood was impressive. I was amazed at the intricacy, detail, and craftsmanship of the finished goblet, all done with such precision.
Affiliate links Professional Wood Chisel Tool Sets Sturdy Chrome Vanadium Steel Chisel
Contact: 004 0755 920 356
Location: Village of Iaslovăț, Suceava County, Romania
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