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Traditional Crafts

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European Crafts

New era to protect our authentic, local, and European crafts in the Single Market! As of December 2025, craftsmen can apply for a new geographical indication.

From 1 December 2025, a new system will enable producers to protect the name of their craftand industrial products across the whole European Union as ‘geographical indication’. TheEU regulation behind it, published in 2023...
weaving willow furniture

Complete Willow Furniture Weaving | VIDEO

How could I not have seen the beauty of the fall season before? The quaking and shimmering leaves and the vibrant autumn leaf carpet with a musky,  sweet smell have won my heart forever. Whole...
Enache Manole Spulber bucium

Making an Alphorn With Old Tools In The Carpathian Mountains VIDEO

In the heart of Vrancea, in an idyllic mountain landscape amid picturesque scenery, stands a traditional house where history comes alive. Legend has it that hundreds of years ago, the Prince of Moldavia, Stephen...
Maricel Starueala Nereju Vrancea

Traditional Barrel Making Will Leave You in Awe! VIDEO

In the South-Eastern Carpathian Mountains, amongst rich forests rarely visited by humans, wonderful rural settlements had evolved within the valleys and lowlands, generated by the restrictive relief as a natural barrier. This is the ...
charring wood statues

Woodworking at Its Best: Chainsaw Carving an Eagle – VIDEO

As a student, Paul Vlad came to live and work in the United States during the summer vacation, but little did he know his life would change forever. He came to work in a...
wooden hay fork

The Craft of Wooden Hay Forks Amazing Skills VIDEO

All over the country, people flock to the mountains during weekends and holidays to breathe in the crisp and clean mountain air and climb the highest point of Romania. The route starts from the...
Making of Wooden Barrels

Cooper Can Make Wooden Barrels With Eyes Closed – VIDEO

Nestled among the rolling foothills of the Carpathian Mountains in Muntenia, the Coșești commune is made up of seven villages like seven gems along the Doamnei River Valley: Coșești, Jupânești, Lăpușani, Leicești, Păcioiu, Petrești,...
Carpenter Toader Sorea Installing Walnut Floor

Carpenter Built Walnut Hardwood Flooring from Scraps

When we look at beautiful photos of the interiors of houses, rarely do we spot all the effort that went into it. The truth is that beautiful and truly personalised interiors can only be...
Wooden Wheel Craft Wheelwright Popescu Vasile Chiriacut

Highly Skilled Craft of a Wooden Wheel – VIDEO

You may not believe it now, when we are faster than ever, more comfortable, and can travel longer distances than barely a hundred years ago, a handful of specialized craftsmen would spend days on...
Ursachi Daniel

Reclaimed Wood From Old Romanian Houses Is Given a New Life

Decades after the fall of communism in Romania, a vast majority of the historic houses have been destroyed. In haste to transform a traditional society into an urban, industrial society, valuable cultural goods had...
installing wood shingles roofing

Making and Installing Wood Shingles in Romanian Crafts Village – VIDEO

Carpenter Iosif Cîrstean Had Split Wood Shingles With Hand Tools, Then Installed Them Onto a Tree House Since we started this blog, I get a lot of people asking if there’s any place in...
Woodturning Captive Ring Goblet Sorin Boicu

Woodturning a Captive Ring Goblet

From carving rustic furniture, woodturning kitchen utensils, and making wooden house models out of hundreds of small pieces of wood, to massive works made out of logs, such as swings, verandas, fences, and porch...
Woodworking Craftsman

Woodworking Craftsman Builds Rustic Stool With Hand Tools

This is the village of Iaslovăț, a village of high standards with respect to the virtue of diligence, for diligence is the most crucial trait of the people from Iaslovăț. Add talent and skills...
Making roof shingles

Making Roof Shingles With Hand Tools

Have you ever admired the old houses covered with shingles from an open-air village museum? Well, those shingles were most likely hand-split piece by piece in a small carpentry workshop from the village of...
hazel basket weaving basket Weaver Mircea Cordoș

Hazel Basket Weaving From Start to Finish

While in Breb, it was curious to see villagers trotting down the road with hazel pack baskets on their backs. One woman had it stuffed with groceries, another was carrying her freshly picked nettles...
fulling wool in fulling mill Maramureș

The Complete Process of Fulling Wool With VIDEO

The day was here at last! I was going to see a properly operating fulling mill in the locals’ backyard. This is something I’ve been meaning to show you for years. It was the...